Just a very quick post to introduce you to...Madden David born at 28 weeksJuly 7, 201211:21pm2lb 14oz15 inchesM and I are doing well. He is perfect!!! I'll post with all the details as things settle...
View ArticleMadden's Birth Story
My final belly pic, 27 weeks...taken 6/30, the day before I cheked into the hospitalThe day I had Madden started out fairly normal. The hubs’ parents and our good friends were going to come visit at...
View ArticleQuick Update
Things have been busy around here! GavinGrandma got G a baby so he can practice his mad skills as a big brother. Here he is taking him for a ride on his truckRight now, I'm more useful at home with G...
View ArticlePregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day
It was one year ago today.I had a perfect, six month old, IVF son and found myself spontaneously pregnant! It was a miracle!!! We were so excited!Our "Surprise" BabyIt was a roller coaster few weeks of...
View ArticleHELP!!!
I know I haven't been posting here in forever. I have posts saved in drafts, really, I do! But, for now, I need you to forgive me and go to my other blog (oh wait, I never told you I started another...
View ArticleBloglovin!
I made the swithch (ya know, since GFC is going bye-bye and I didn't have a choice,) to Bloglovin and you should too!Follow my blog with BloglovinI'm not making any BIG promises but I really do miss...
View ArticleHey there!!!
Remember when I used to blog here???Yeah. Me either. I haven't purposely abandoned ship and I don't even have any decent excuses for my silence. I could say I don't have a lot of time. But I do have...
View ArticleIt Gets Complicated
Since I can't possibly have a "normal" pregnancy despite actually managing to get pregnant spontaneously...At our anatomy scan (at 18ish weeks,) we got confirmation that New Baby is another boy! That...
View ArticleA Brief Update
I was admitted to the hospital again on June 3rd after having another heavy bleed at home. After 10 days, two very heavy bleeds, three days on Magnisium sulfate and two blood transfusions (four bags of...
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